Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Mid-night thought

Its almost midnight, 11:57 pm!
A dumb and still you are,
Yet a time to converse the unspoken words,
Which seem powerful and meaningful for this time.
A deeply dead and buried you are,
Yet alive and mentally a laborious one,
Of cerebration of million thoughts
Yet a zero million expression.
No delicate blankets, soft pillow and bouncing mattress
Could put me to sleep.
Dawn is becoming a miles journey.
Before completing this journey of miles
I have battle to overcome
A battle that goes inside
Between the heart and mind.
Of undergoing all these battle
I know its of no use
In fact, it's a waste of useful time.
I know those thought thoughts
Would precipitate like crystal dews on the grass,
And evaporate when sun shines.
Nevertheless, sorry for insisting my hand,
To scribble you-the troubling thoughts
Into my journal
So I might protect you
From precipitation and evaporation.

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སངས་རྒྱསའི་རྗེས་སུ་བྲངས་ནས་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ།། འགྲོ་བའི་འཇིགས་སྐྱོབས་ནུས་པས་འཇིགས་མེད།། བསྟན་པའི་སྒྲ་ཆེན་སྒྲོགས་ནས་ཆོས་གྲགས།། མི་སེར་ཡོངས་ཀྱིས་བསྟེན...