Monday, July 10, 2023

Who is the role model in Civil Service?

Be a better role model 
 Who will stand out for inspiration in Civil Service? 

As we are optimistically reforming in ways and forms of our public sector, we are also grappling with so many issues at the national level including high attrition rate and outmigration of productive population. Since this trend of exiting the system, as an individual who just entered the civil service recently, I have always tried motivating myself and was careful not to be influenced by those near and far ones who made such decision for their life. I have seen my closest friends, cousins and working colleagues waving goodbyes and shedding tears at the airport. It really was a huge sacrifice and decisions for each of them. 

I was so happy when they got an opportunity to go fulfill their dream elsewhere. Some in my view are not meant for civil service and their contribution to the nation would be more outside of the civil service. At the same time, internally, I felt bit sad for loosing some really dedicated and hardworking ones. They really could be an asset to any organization and civil service in particular. I am uncertain if they would be able to progress and rise to the leadership position in the civil service but they really were a dedicated servant who could help our people and delivering public services. I felt so helpless and at the least, the only thing I could do was to pray for their success and express my happiness for their decision. I hope all of them return sooner or later. 

But as a nation, has this issue emerged suddenly? Have we not known this issue? or did this happen in the past? Attrition issue is generally faced across all employing agencies but the rate of attrition differs from one another. I guess we are unprepared for this issue and suddenly every agency is panicking. The informal discussion and talks seems to indicate that every employee can exit the system anytime for varied reasons. Would there be a situation where executives are not only the decision makers but also the workers? Exiting system is an open secret but ignored by everyone until it happens. It is high time every agencies have the plan and strategies to retain people besides replacement and new recruitment. It is not about someone is indispensable or irreplaceable but do we have available skills, talents, experiences and institutional memories in market in addition to availability of people? 

This boils down to the question of what is a civil service? What does it mean for one to become one? Is there motivation to become or be one? At the larger level, it is sad to see majority including national executives putting blame on our own systems and civil servant. Increasingly in recent times, civil service has become a scapegoat to everyone including outsiders, media and common people. It is hard to find someone talking good about Civil Service. If no one, at least, civil servants should talk good about it. In such an environment we are in, it is difficult to look up to someone. I guess there is no role model or inspiration in civil service. Role model and inspiration should come from someone who is working in this civil service profession. 

Despite every hiccups and mess, let us for once own our issues and promote civil service to motivate each other both internally and externally. Let us reflect and demonstrate opportunities and some positive things about cvil service. Let us define the characteristics and value of civil service than mere words inscribed in the BCSR. Let us identify and recognize someone to follow than his majesty. This is because we have already done enough damage in the process and can't expect good things to fruition ultimately.


  1. Tashidelek for coming up with own blog

  2. Hi
    That’s thought provoking write up 👌
    From my perspective, I think the ultimate decision to leave a job that was once our aspiration is highly personal and can be influenced by range of individual circumstances and considerations. In my case, personal aspiration, career trajectory and my preferences were changing in a way that my job no longer aligned with my goal, it no longer ignited my passion. As people started leaving the system in enormous numbers, workloads and stress became overwhelming which I think you know better. Of course, there was peer and family pressure. I am not blaming the system but somehow it affected me, as an amateur officer I have struggled due to the absence of proper guidance and mentorship. Effective leadership and guidance are vital in shaping a professional development and fostering a healthy psychological contract. Unfortunately, this crucial aspect has been lacking throughout my tenure. This is may be because I got in job in wrong time
    The desire to become a leader died long time back😂

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. I totally agree with you. It is important that one should not be in a profession that doesn't support your learning and growth. The impact is in both way as on individual and on organization.

      So glad you realized it and chose different path. I wish you best in everything way ahead.

  3. Great job, Khedrup. Please continue your writing.

    I concur that Civil Servants cannot rely on external sources for motivation and instead, they should seek motivation from within themselves. In reality, the mandated agency, RCSC, has been quite proficient in discouraging rather than inspiring motivation. However, observing your diligent work serves as an inspiration for the rest of us.

    1. Thank you so much for your so very generous words la.



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