Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Valedictory Speech for graduation

Your excellency Lyonpo Kinzang Dorji, venerable Tsugla Lopen Rinpoche, distinguished guests, Honorable college President, Director, Deans, Registrar, esteemed members of faculty and staff, parents, and my dear friends. Kuzu Zangpo la.
It’s been four years since the start of my time at RTC and time has passed by so fast. Today, graduation day, is a much-anticipated day for all of us.
I am sure each of my fellow graduates have their own RTC stories. Some of them funny, some of them sad, some of them very romantic and some of them happy. Today I want to share part of my RTC story. In particular, I want to share how my RTC story shows that hard work and perseverance can multiply one’s blessings and lucks.
Once upon a time it was 2013. My first visit to Thimphu. Prior to this visit I haven’t even heard of RTC. Without any knowledge about RTC, I landed up choosing to come here to study for a BA Political Science and Sociology and I do not regret this decision.
Considering my rural upbringing and being in Thimphu for the first time, yes RTC seemed an intimidating environment. To add to my uncertainty, many people were questioning my decision and insisting that RTC was a college only for rich and delinquent people. This kind of talk stirred up tension in my father’s mind and like any caring father, he used to call me twice a day just to make sure I was comfortable. I spent a big part of my first semester convincing my father that I was fine.
Since my first year, with both passion and anxiety – I have tried to grab every opportunity that college had to provide because I believe that one learns best by trying out and doing things.
Of all the memorable experiences RTC has given me, today I will be sharing two major moments.
First, is my experience of being a Student Government member. By being first year representative and then in my final year student government president, I have come to understand better the issues faced by my friends and could broaden my social network. It was truly both humbling and fulfilling to have had the trust and confidence of my fellow mates and the management. These experiences made me to realize the value of social responsibility and our duty to help others.
As I reflect today, I realize that my ambitions have changed to reflect this new understanding. “When I was in Primary school, my ambition was to become a minister, and in middle secondary school, it changed to being a doctor. Then in high school I aimed to become a lawyer and my college life has made me to aim to become a good human.”
Secondly, as a humble patriot, it was a privilege to represent our country and the college in both Japan and USA as an exchange student. For this I thank Royal Thimphu College for providing such opportunities to the students that they believe have worked hard and will continue to rise to new challenges in new settings. This recognition provided me with an opportunity to learn more about the world and about myself.
The bottom line here is that all these wonderful opportunities did not happen overnight nor did they just fall into my lap. They required so much consistent sacrifices, hard work, positive thinking, and most importantly a perseverance throughout the journey. These four years at college had taught me, that no matter where you come from and who you are, if you have the passion to learn and the discipline to do hard work then opportunities are the blessings and you make your luck in life.
But hard work does not stop after college because I know that the life ahead of us is more daunting, more challenging, and more competitive than what we had here. This means we must prepare for rejections, despair, stumbling, underestimation and for any uncertainties. Therefore, I would like to warn my friends not to get frustrated, rather face these uncertainties with a positive and hopeful mindset.
Now for this wonderful journey, I would like to thank and dedicate my graduation ceremony firstly to my beloved mom, who must be happily watching me from above. Even though she is no longer with me, I know she is proud today. Whatever I am is because of her. Life is unfair sometimes. Had she been here the sparks of this day would have been different but since I can feel her presence in me and I am Proud to fulfill one of her wishes today. Secondly, I dedicate this day to my inspiration- who is the most hardworking, dedicated man of honesty and integrity—none other than my dad. Kadrinche APA.
Thirdly, my humble and deep gratitude goes to His Majesty the King for sponsoring my personal expenses through Gyalpoi Toyzep program and Department of Adult and Higher Education (DAHE) for a scholarship to RTC.

Lastly, Thank you Royal Thimphu College and every individual for your influence and motivations throughout my journey of learning. Whether I succeed or fail in life, I shall take pride of being graduated from one of the most prestigious colleges in Bhutan and would be the proudest alumni of RTC.
Tashi Delek.

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