Wednesday, December 19, 2018

111th National Day- A National day like never before.

In the history of Bhutan, we have seen numerous celebrations of so many joyous and auspicious occasions. Of many, no day has more significance and importance as National Day of the country. It is an indication of country’s sovereignty and independence. Perhaps it is a liberation of the country from others rule or gaining self-determination in Western context/elsewhere. No country or state can celebrate the national day if she is not independent and sovereign. Celebration of national day emboldens the national’s identity and security of the nation.
Since 1907 Bhutan has celebrated 110 times of national days so far in different places and this years’ been celebrated in Samtse district. This year’s 111th National Day is yet another testament of eternal peace and prosperity under the farsighted leadership of our beloved monarchs. As one of the millennials, I was unfortunate to have unseen many celebrations of National day. As far as I can remember, 2018’s 111th national day is something that moved me and I think is different from others.
As Bhutan is blessed by the three great spiritual masters- Guru, Zhabdrung and Pema Lingpa, the national day of triple one (111) is graced and blessed by the great trio of His Majesty the great fourth, His Majesty and His holiness the Jekhenpo. Day has also seen three kings of Bhutan taking the joy and festivity of the national day to a greater level. Humbly respecting and bowing to each other before the Bhutanese and the world. Even our Gyalse Rinpoche exhibited such a greatness at very tender age of barely three years by bowing to the great fourth and Chabje Rinpoche at the reception.
The sensational and heart touching moment of the 111th national day was, His Majesty on behalf of Bhutanese people presenting an award of Ngadgak Pel gi Kholrlo  to His Holiness the Jekhenpo for his lifetime Bodhisattva service to the nation and sentient beings. There was embodiment of epitome respect and humility in these three greats (HM, 4th HM and Chabje). Like any other ordinary award recipients, Chabje Rinpoche humbly stood up and walked towards the podium under the compassionate escort of our Great Fourth. While His Holiness is supposed to come before the podium to receive the award, His Majesty requested Chabje that, Majesty himself would come up and present the award ༼རྗེ་ང་རང་ཡར་བཅར་འོང་ལགས།།༽ There was personification of highest humility and humbleness from our highest one. It was a moment brimmed with tears of happiness for Bhutanese people. When such greatness come together, even the weather could not follow its schedule and had to shed its flake of happiness before time.
Even the day in general was different from other national day celebrations. By virtue of celebrating in Samtse, most events of the day and cultural programs had so much of diversity and inclusivity. The live and color were more brighter and livelier.  One could see on television, the people’s pride and keen in national culture as they perform programs wholeheartedly. Apart from people assimilating in the mainstream culture, the events from different community of our Lhotshampa fellow citizens had made the day unique and interesting in many aspects. I am sure that embracing of culture have immensely contributed to the Gross National Happiness.
Of everything, the national day in Bhutan is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to our benevolent hereditary monarchs for continued peace and prosperity in the country. May Wangchuck Dynasty live forever and, May Dharma flourish for all times to come. May peace and prosperity prevail in the land of Thunder dragon for all times to come. Kadrinche Mewang chok. Palden Drukpa Gyalo!!!

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སངས་རྒྱསའི་རྗེས་སུ་བྲངས་ནས་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ།། འགྲོ་བའི་འཇིགས་སྐྱོབས་ནུས་པས་འཇིགས་མེད།། བསྟན་པའི་སྒྲ་ཆེན་སྒྲོགས་ནས་ཆོས་གྲགས།། མི་སེར་ཡོངས་ཀྱིས་བསྟེན...