Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hello- I am perfectly fine

These last two months had been too laborious and sometimes frustrating one for me. May be more for many victims of controversial Learn and Earn program, including parents, students, and I guess more frustrations even for owner-agent (BEO) and our government's part of MOLHR.

Held numerous meetings within ourselves and petitioned to different relevant agencies and hierarchies. Spoken to and sometimes poured frustrations in media platforms regarding this Japan Overseas' scam.

Apart from holding our truths that students and parents have been deceived right from the beginning and exploiting at the moment, I do not want to mention anything about the agent and MOLHR's action of any sort. To my myiopic view, they have their own unsatisfactory and unjustifiable explanation against what we seek.
This journey has started to seek justice and its never to put pressure and criminalize someone at the cost of their happiness. Nonetheless, anyone must bear implications and ramifications for what justice has to offer ultimately. None of us- involved in this undesirable issues is sacrosanct to accountability and justice.

As one of the victims and as one of the Japan oversea's parent-student committee members, I could not resit myself not speaking up for what it is must and where it is due. Yes I did speak up and will do so by upholding the principle of veracity and thorough research in my capacity. This voyage of seeking justice is not only for myself, but also for more than 700 victims and their parents and relatives. Most importantly, I devote my attention and sensitivity in such issues for my fellow younger generations as our future depends on how our elderly raise us. Current learn and earn program is so exploitative and torturous to youths and would affect our future terribly, therefore, I will go till end by not anticipating about future consequences to myself and others who relate to me in ways and forms.

I say this because, since I started speaking up I have been alerted and warned by many to keep silent and watch it while letting others fight and cooperate with our counterparts if possible. I am receiving frequent calls and messages of concern from parents, relatives and friends to be careful when being alone and as I go to town. Some also advised me to think about my career scope just because I would be a civil servant in one or two years. I would like to thank everyone of you for your genuine concern of love and care. I am so happy in this messy moment just because of you all. In fact, your love and concerns are what motivate me to stand for what is right and just. I am really sorry if I am giving all of you tensions and worrisome moment.
I will give my best and speak up till this problem is fixed as how it ought to be. I will do so by upholding utmost truth and veracity. I am accountable and transparent to what I say and what I do regarding this issue. In fact this journey I consider is to face and challenge deception, exploitation, 'modern-day-slavery', corruption, and injustice functioning. Despite everything I am doing fine and I am not afraid of any threats for what I have done.

Hi I am extremely and perfectly doing fine.

Thank you.

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