Thursday, April 22, 2021

Simplifying the Curse of Resources in a democracy.

As the four thromdes’ election is in full swing and 2023 is not so far, candidates and political parties will come up with lucrative and hypnotizing manifestoes and promises during the election campaign. I have expressed the curse of resources in 2018 and would like to simplify and repose this for discussion and food for thought for fellow voters.
In a democracy, the government should not be rich for a wealthy government will lead to a despotic and authoritarian regime. The logic is simple. When a person is too rich, he/she becomes powerful, influential, and egoistic at worst. He or she can mistreat others if they wish to, for their gains. On the flip side when one is poor and dependent on others, he/she has already submitted one’s right to others and they are passive and socially malleable. And become vulnerable? People with means make decisions for ones without. It is done even by circumventing the law and rules of the land.

This logic applies to governance as well. When the government is too wealthy, it can deliver all promises irrespective of rationality and legality to deliver and undertake any activities. Providing freebies and bestowal is implicit bribery of citizens to stop demonstrations and revolutions or at least from holding the government accountable. Perhaps that’s the reason why American institutions and people who vaunt democracy were not able to impeach Trump despite trying twice during his tenure. This is because besides voting for his presidency, the American people did not make him rich, if not had he made many Americans well-off economically?

Let me also simplify where our government (s) bring resources from? One legitimate source is the collection of taxes. So, are our taxes and other revenues enough to finance ourselves, or can political parties satiate voters by delivering material promises? No, we are not a resource-rich country but more of a resource-dependent country. For this reason, our government and future parties have to bank on borrowings, debts, and development assistance to deliver most promises and pledges. But there is no such thing called free lunch. Government and country have a cost for every opportunity and who bears the cost? Which generation of citizens will have implications? Are our citizens or voters willing to take the burden implicated by enormous resources squandered? I am not being pessimistic about the investment. We must invest where necessary but how, when, and in which areas are we investing especially in a democratic setting? We must ensure political parties and politicians keep national interest above short-term political gains.

To all these aforementioned queries, there is no silver bullet but if there is one it is disciplined and responsible democracy nurtured carefully by selfless politicians, and intelligent voters guided by institutions and systems. Therefore, while we have the right to vote but beyond our rights, we have a duty to vote wisely and make government and politicians accountable. The government’s successes and failures are our successes and failures.

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